Neighbours Soap Opera Wiki
Naybers no 26 ramsay street

No 26 Ramsay Street in 1985.

No 26 Ramsay Street is at the bottom end of Ramsay Street. It has housed amongst others, the Robinson, Scully and Canning families over the years. No. 26 currently houses the Rodwell family.


The house was built along with the rest of the street in the late 1950s and was first occupied in 1963 by young couple Jim Robinson and Anne Robinson who also had their first child, Paul Robinson the same year. Anne died in 1973 after childbirth complications with her daughter, Lucy Robinson. Quickly after Anne’s death, Anne’s mother, Helen Daniels would move into No 26.


When the show first entered television screens in March 1985, it was shown that the Robinson family, and Helen Daniels, were the residents of the home. Over the years, the house would hold many residents, guests, events, and tragedies.

Residents over the years[]

