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Natasha "Tash" Williams (played by Valentina Novakovic) was a character in Neighbours from Episode 5918 - 5 May 2010 to Episode 6610 - 29 Mar 2013. She is the feisty, looks-obsessed daughter of Michael Williams who is also a mathematical genius.

She leaves Erinsborough after rekindling her romance with Andrew and the two depart Australia for a new life in New York, where they are still together to this day.




Car Crash[]

During a car journey to the city with her friends, Natasha learns that Andrew faked her signature to sell the app behind her back and an argument breaks out. Andrew tries to stop Natasha from calling the police and he bumps Chris' arm, causing him to lose control of the car and crash. Natasha frees herself from the car, before pulling Ed from the wreckage.

At the hospital, Natasha blames Andrew for the crash. She learns Ed has a fractured collarbone and sits with him until he wakes up. When he does, Natasha kisses him. They begin dating, but Natasha worries that they do not have much in common. Natasha helps organise a ball for the university and takes an immediate dislike to Ed's vintage suit. She spills coffee on it and then lends Ed a nicer one that she found. Ed realises what she has done and they fight. After apologising to each other, Natasha decides to break up with Ed, as they are too different. When Natasha finds Andrew having a fit in Charlie's, she learns that he has epilepsy. She agrees to keep it a secret. After he collapses, Natasha encourages Andrew to go to the hospital for tests. Before he can leave, he suffers a fit in front of Paul. Andrew initially blames Natasha for causing the fit when Paul takes Charlie's away from him. She then helps him to convince Paul to change his mind.

Leaving Erinsborough[]

Natasha and Andrew begin dating again in secret. They later decide to tell everyone and Summer reveals that she already knew and does not mind. Natasha later finds an old email from Andrew proclaiming his love for Summer and she begins to worry about her relationship with him. However, Andrew reassures her that he loves her and their relationship is different this time around. Natasha asks Andrew to take a month of celibacy, but they end up breaking it early. Natasha quits university and tells Andrew that she is leaving Erinsborough to travel around Europe. She asks Andrew to come with her and he agrees. They leave the following day with Paul's blessing.

Memorable info[]

Tash had a keen interest in fashion and was often seen by many as an "airhead" due to her obsession with looks and popularity. However, Tash was incredibly gifted in math and excelled at school due to her academic smarts.


FatherMichael Williams

MotherHelena Williams (died 1995)

Grandfather Edgar Jovanovic

GrandmotherAngela Jovanovic

Aunt Emilia Jovanovic

See also[]
