Intended to be a list of all regular and guest characters who have appeared in Neighbours; each one should also be in at least one appropriate subcategory and many should be in more than one (e.g., family and professions).
See also: Complete list of the wiki's categories
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- Aaron Brennan
- Abby Stafford
- Adam Clarke
- Adam Fitzgerald
- Adam Rhodes
- Adam Stevens
- Adam Willis
- Adele Ross
- Adrian Pitt
- Ajay Kapoor
- Alan Haywood
- Alan Napier
- Aleks Rama
- Alex (1994 character)
- Alex Baxter
- Alex Carter
- Alex Delpy
- Alex Kinski
- Alf (1986)
- Alice Azikiwe
- Alison Gore
- Allana Truman
- Allen Lawrence
- Amanda Blake
- Amanda Cooper
- Amanda Fowler
- Amanda Harris
- Amber Turner
- Amira Devkar
- Amy Greenwood
- Amy Medway
- Amy Williams
- Anaesthetist (Episode 4702)
- Andrea Jeffries
- Andrea Somers
- Andrea Townsend
- Andrew Robinson
- Andrew Rodwell
- Andrew Simpson
- Andrew Watson
- Angela Lane
- Angela Patrick
- Angelica Cammeniti
- Angelina Jackson
- Angie Rebecchi
- Angus Beaumont-Hannay
- Angus Henderson
- Anna Rossi
- Annabelle Deacon
- Annabelle York
- Annalise Hartman
- Anne Baxter
- Anne Wilkinson
- Annie Robinson-Pappas
- Anthony Johnson
- Archie Quill
- Archie Whitehead
- Arthur Bright
- Ash Schwimmer
- Ashley Thomas
- Ashtyn Harris
- Aster Conway
- Audition Secretary (Episode 160)
- Audrey Gibbs
- Aunt Daisy
- Bailey Turner
- Bank robber In Gorilla Costume
- Barbara Hampstead
- Barbara Hill
- Barbara Young
- Barclay and Parsons Lady
- Barry Burdett
- Barry Dean
- Barry Dundis
- Barry Hawkins
- BB Larkin
- Bea Nilsson
- Belinda Bell
- Ben Atkins
- Ben Dalziel
- Ben Kirk/Fitzgerald
- Benito Alessi
- Bernie Sutton
- Bert Willis
- Bess O'Brien
- Bess Robinson
- Beth Brennan
- Beth Travers
- Bev Black
- Beverly Robinson
- Bianca Zanotti
- Bill Chalmers
- Bill Parker
- Bill Pearson
- Billie Alessio
- Billy Frenzy
- Billy Kennedy
- Bob Hughes
- Bob Landers
- Bob Lazarus
- Bobby Hoyland